Books by David Hulett

Integrated Cost Schedule Risk Analysis, by David Hulett

Integrated Cost-Schedule
Risk Analysis

(2011, Gower Press)
ISBN 978-0-566-09166-7

The book is available at:

Books can be purchased at 20% discount
by using the code FLR40 at checkout

Read about the book

“[Hulett’s] Practical Schedule Risk Analysis book is required reading in my office and I am partway through his new book on Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis and it's a great read. David has a unique way of writing about deeply technical topics while keeping the concepts clear.”

 -- Chris Carson, Managing Director of the Scheduling Excellence Initiative for the PMI Scheduling Community of Practice

Practical Schedule Risk Analysis, by David Hulett

Practical Schedule Risk Analysis

(2009, Gower Press)
ISBN 978-0-566-08790-5

The book is available at:

Books can be purchased at 35% discount
by using the code FLR40 at checkout

Read about the book

“We have not met. On a friend's recommendation I read one of your books, Practical Schedule Risk Analysis. Congratulations on a thorough and digestible coverage of the topic. Even though I have been doing risk analysis for some time using Primavera Risk I found much to learn from your book.”

 -- Information Technology and Services Consultant and Project Manager

“Your book was excellent and I plug it every time I make a presentation or have any conversation with a client or colleague. I’ve got so many notes, tabs and highlights in the book that it is almost unrecognizable. It is the ultimate resource for cost and schedule analysis. I was unaware of your Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis, however I will be ordering it tonight for sure.”

 -- Mark McDowell

E-Book by David Hulett

Why Conduct Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis

Dr. Hulett's e-book is available from the publisher:

Chapter by David Hulett

Dr. Hulett has contributed to Handbook of Research on Leveraging Risk and Uncertainties for Effective Project Management (IGI Global, 2016, edited by Yuri Raydugin), by writing Chapter 2,

Monte Carlo Simulation and Integrated Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis, Concepts, Methods and Tools for Risk Analysis and Mitigation

The book is available from Amazon

AACE Recommended Practices by David Hulett

“The AACEI has published some brilliant Recommended Practices in this regard and Dr. Hulett's books are IMO the seminal works on SRA at this stage of the game.”

 -- Quinton Van Eeden, Johannesburg, SA

The following links will open a new window to the AACE Recommended Practices page where you will be able to register for access to their most current documents, including those authored by Dr. Hulett. Free to members of AACE International.

Published Articles by David Hulett


  • “It is to be hoped that Hulett's approach will be adopted... to produce more realistic... projections of project outcomes - to set more achievable targets and to point towards more effective risk mitigation actions.”
    -- Philip Rawlings, Director, Euro Log Ltd

  • “This is an extremely important book, which presents a depth of understanding of estimating and scheduling rarely seen in industry.”
    -- John Greenwood

David T. Hulett, Ph.D. FAACE